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What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch - 1 views

  • January 24, 2010 by Ben Parr View commentsView Comments What the Web of Tomorrow Will Look Like: 4 Big Trends to Watch
  • 1. The Web Will Be Accessible Anywhere
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  • 2. Web Access Will Not Focus Around the Computer
  • 3. The Web Will Be Media-Centric
  • In ten years, when you access the web, most of the time you spend will be to connect with your friends. Almost all of that will be on social networks and through social media. It will be the #1 reason why we ever pull out our phones, tablets, or computers.

YouTube - Why we need the Social Web - 0 views

  • The current Social Networking space is a mess. We describe the problems both technical, pragmatic and philosophical of current social netoworks, and present a solution deployable immediately that works in current browsers: an open global secure network - The Social Web.In this 10 min Video we start with Robert Scoble getting thrown of Facebook, how this lead to the Data Portability movement, its failings, and the practical solution: the Social Web. This is part of a collection on the theme.

Booki - 1 views

  • The announcement of Google Wave is probably the most ambitious vision for a decentralized collaborative protocol coming from Silicon Valley
    • Kurt Laitner
      how is this not proprietary? because google promises not to be evil? because of dataliberation? that google wants the pipe to flow through their building?
  • Almost all of the current so called Web 2.0 platforms have been built on a centralized control model, locking their users to be dependent on a commercial tool.
  • an understanding that a lot of money can be made from web platforms based on user production.
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  • These new platforms use a pleasant social terminology in an attempt to attract more users. But this polite palette of social interactions misses some of the key features that the pioneering systems were not afraid to use. For example, while most social networks only support binary relationships, Slashcode (the software that runs, a pioneer of many features wrongly credited to "Web 2.0") included a relationship model that defined friends, enemies, enemies-of-friends, etc. The reputation system on the Advogato publishing tool supported a fairly sophisticated trust metric, while most of the more contemporary blog platforms support none.
  • "The networked information economy improves the practical capacities of individuals along three dimensions: (1) it improves their capacity to do more for and by themselves; (2) it enhances their capacity to do more in loose commonality with others, without being constrained to organize their relationship through a price system or in traditional hierarchical models of social and economic organization; and (3) it improves the capacity of individuals to do more in formal organizations that operate outside the market sphere.

Adding A Social Layer To Gmail Just Became A SocialWok In The Park - 4 views

  • At last year’s TechCrunch50 conference, Socialwok made a big splash, winning the award for best demopit startup and launching its enterprise-friendly, FriendFeed-like layer for Google Apps. The web-based application was praised for launching a social network that wrapped around the very unsocial Google Apps. Today, the startup is launching a gadget to allow users access all the features of Socialwok without leaving Gmail.
    FishMan - this sounds a little bit like Ning, a socnet for all folks (build your own!) Why do you think there is no monetization by any one of these efforts? That's a key part to what I'm imagining for HBSN. Hmmmmm
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    simple--when it's free already, no one wants to pay. I still think the key to monetization is to give the use control of his/her information, let them set a price for their attention, and then charge advertisers a fee to access those individuals with targeted advertising. Those users who exhibit a higher rate of response to targeted advertising get ranked higher in the value chain, telling potential advertisers that these individuals respond better/more often, and everyone wins. The service that provides this exchange medium can take a 'house' cut of the fees, and also provide a pay premium service for a higher tier.
    This is the same way works with Twitter, so they say - - however, there are other ways to do this. Think of - they charge an annual fee of $150 or so. I think they have a terrible UI but they're very successful. I've been a member of for a while and am now just getting interested again, because you can have your DNA collected (god, don't tell Kurt! lol) and get your ancestors back to Africa (or Iraq!). iPhone app developers get 70%/Apple 30%.
    I'm vacuuming your house before I leave Jack. I like fish's direction on monetization, as one of several parallel channels, and I would rif on the give user control of their own information to say that one's content is on one's OWN SERVER and resolved to the service, that is TRUE CONTROL. then every access request can be monetized in whatever way you wish (value for value, social currency, real money...) every piece of content comes with a privacy wrapper and a pay wrapper
    not to mention buying and selling structures, bent can make some killer music ontology and presentation to go with it and we can then all use/buy/value exchange for it.
    Checking into, their pay rate and advertisers aren't based on your attention, they are based strictly on the number of followers you have. Their whole model is wrapped around slight-of-hand diversion. They figure that by dropping an ad tweet into your own personal twitterstream on an every other day basis, will appear innocent enough on the surface, that some (>1%?) will mistake it for something you personally tweeted and since they follow you blindly like hooded lemurs in Jonestown, they;ll drink your koolaid and make a buying decision. Seems a bit underhanded to me. And they aren't paying me because I might be a good target, they are paying me because I have a high enough unwashed masses quotient to justify the exposure. I set my rate for $5000 figuring that even though I have fewer than 100 followers, they are quality followers and not bots (except for Kurt) and that my endorsement to them is worth a great deal. So far, the till's empty.
    if you advertise to me I will recycle it on an hourly loop and feed it back to you

Anatomy of a Large-Scale Social Search Engine - 2 views

shared by François Dongier on 04 Feb 10 - Cached
    • François Dongier
      Not sure I agree with this. In the Village paradigm, authority (reputation) remains important. Village paradigm extends (doesn't replace) the Library paradigm
  • We demonstrate that there is a large class of subjective questions — especially longer, contextualized requests for recommendations or advice — which are better served by social search than by web search. And our key finding is that whereas in the Library paradigm, users trust information depending upon the authority of its author, in the Village paradigm, trust comes from our sense of intimacy and connection with the person we are getting an answer from.
    I think they are referring more to the kind of question. A query like "who is the oldest living American president?" is best suited for a Library paradigm, whereas a question like "is the current president of the US doing a good job in repairing the economy?" is really more of a village paradigm. I most likely will 'trust' the library answer on the first one, but will probably become en-snarled in endless debate with my Village on the second. The point is I think, that more and more, people are asking questions that the traditional library of knowledge cannot effectively answer, even with functional semantics in place. Long live The Village. Now, who IS Number 6?

Action Streams: A New Idea for Social Networks - 1 views

  • Earlier this month social software designer Adrian Chan offered up a proposal for what he called Action Streams.
  • Action streams would not only share status/activity update meta-data but also permit updates to function as actions. For example, an invitation update posted in twitter could be accepted in Buzz. The vision for action streams thus involves a distributed and decentralized ecosystem of coupled action posts, rendered by third party stream clients and within participating social networks.
  • The Activity Streams discussion is participated in by engineers from companies like Google, Facebook, Nokia, Yahoo and others. Chris Messina, who joined Google in January, is one of the key voices, and semantic web builder Monica Keller, who left MySpace for Facebook last month, appears to be taking an even more active role in the effort than she had before.
2More Closing - News at GameSpot - 1 views

    Sega and have officially announced that the online gaming web site will shut down on October 31, 2000. provides game-matching services and hosts online games including 10Six. members will receive a special e-mail announcement including exclusive offers for SegaNet membership. Sega has decided to redirect the resources to SegaNet to create a more comprehensive online gaming portal. 10Six will continue operation at
    I posted this as a historical note. was the first place to serial number their game items, ie. a truck or gun acquired is not one of a class, but rather a unique item. this amplifies the value concept related to the item.

Building Web Reputation Systems: The Blog: On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputatio... - 2 views

    "On Karma: Top-line Lessons on User Reputation Design In Building Web Reputation Systems, we appropriate the term karma to mean a user reputation in an online service. As you might expect, karma is discussed heavily throughout the more than 300 pages. During the final editing process, it became clear that a simple summary of the main points would be helpful to those looking for guidance. It seemed that our first post in over a month (congratulations on the new delivery, Bryce!) should be something big and useful... This post covers the following top-line points about designing karma systems, drawn from our book and other blog posts: * Karma is user reputation within a context * Karma is useful for building trust between users, and between a user and the site * Karma can be an incentive for participation and contributions * Karma is contextual and has limited utility globally. [A chessmaster is not a good eBay Seller] * Karma comes in several flavors - Participation, Quality and Robust (combined) * Karma should be complex and the result of indirect evaluations, and the formulation is often opaque * Personal karma is displayed only to the owner, and is good for measuring progress * Corporate karma is used by the site operator to find the very best and very worst users * Public karma is displayed to other users, which is what makes it the hardest to get right * Public karma should be used sparingly - it is hard to understand, isn't expected, and is easily confused with content ratings * Negative public karma should be avoided all together. In karma-math -1 is not the same magnitude as +1, and information loss is too expensive. * Public karma often encourages competitive behavior in users, which may not be compatible with their motivations. This is most easily seen with leaderboards, but can happen any time karma scores are prominently displayed. [i.e.: Twitter follower count] "

How Conceptual Metaphors are Stunting Web Innovation - 2 views

  • As much as we focus on developing new technologies, it is also essential that we break free of certain metaphors that bind and restrict our thinking about what these technologies can ultimately achieve. The familiar “document” metaphor, among others, has cast a long shadow on how we think about the web, and is standing in the way of some innovation.

The Global Brain is about to Wake Up « Nova Spivack - Minding the Planet - 3 views

    This is an example of how NOT to build a social network. I did a search for 'twine' on this page, and couldn't find one example of it - but, all of his tweets are surfaced in a column on the right. Oppsss.
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    A number of interesting and stimulating thoughts in this post, which I find considerably less vague than Nova's previous post (last Saturday, that's a long long time ago:) on "eliminating the need for search". The next Google won't be about search but about monitoring, that's the first idea. The second interesting idea is about the Global Brain, whose emergence gets linked here with the speed of change and the richness of information available in the real-time web. And the third idea is about artificial consciousness. I've always been puzzled by Nova's mysticism, as he puts it, with respect to consciousness and subjectivity. I think it will take some time to see it disappear, just like Voodoo and all mysticisms, but things change fast nowadays...
    @ francois...mysticism... LOL!
    We got solipsism and mysticism eradicated in one day. Good start.
    In Mac OS X, control-command-D. Let the world be literate!
    @François - +1 on "Voodoo and all mysticisms, but things change fast nowadays" - They are changing fast, and we can look forward to these things changing faster than ever now and into the future!

Strings - Track, Share, Discover - 7 views

  • Strings is a social tracking and filtering platform that allows you to share and uncover experiences that are relevant to you. Strings incorporates strong privacy controls, easy filtering, and tracking support that allows your actions on and offline to automatically identify personalized trends worth following.
    Yet another social bookmarking service?
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    hmmnnn. looks like twine--similar main view. smells like twine--logos use connecting circles and lines. tastes like twine--people filter content for other people. feels like twine--connections, content, commentary. sounds like twine.
    Right, although it seems to have a much wider scope than Twine: they want to track everything about the user's digital behaviour, not just wrt bookmarking: track and share what you buy, where you buy it, how much you pay for it, what you rent, what you read, what music you listen to, what movies you watch, what you like, what you dislike, what places you visit, who your friends are, etc.
    yeah--saw that. seems a little bit scary if you ask me. although google, the credit card companies, and the banks could probably do that stuff already.
    Are you guys trying Strings; I signed up for an account and I couldn't find any of you in the there. Is anyone in Strings?
    Jack, I connected with you on Strings. So, from now on, you'll get an email whenever I do something on my PC or in my bedroom... No, just joking: I haven't shared anything and don't really see the point yet. But if you share something, I'll probably get a notification :)
    haahaaa...T.M.I. with strings. despite their assertion of multiple privacy levels, the mere fact that they WANT to follow everything you do in order to make personalized recommendations is what frightens me about the directions of Web 3.0. Who will watch the watchers? Goog is one thing with their 'do no evil' credo, but the idea of 24/7 active monitoring smacks of more than just altruistic effort to me. I'm gonna let someone else play with this strings...

Drupal Gardens launches in private beta | Drupal Gardens - 0 views

  • Drupal Gardens is a hosted version of Drupal so you don't have to worry about installation, hosting or upgrading
  • Drupal Gardens is a gem in the rough, built on the Drupal 7 core - currently in an alpha release - extended with functionality such as a WYSIWYG editor (CKeditor), media management, a theme builder, and basic "query builder" (i.e. simpleviews) capability. We're working with the various module maintainers, and contributing back almost all of our development efforts to the Drupal community. Architecturally, Drupal Gardens is built on the ideas of an open social web; we markup data with RDFa, we implemented single-sign on using OpenID as our identity layer, we integrate with third-party services, and we allow people to export the code, the theme and data that makes up their site. We'll be sharing more technical details as we make progress, but we like to believe it will be a hosted service "done right".
    • François Dongier
      Check the video on the homepage. There's an other one here:

PeerSoN - Peer-to-Peer Social Networking - 1 views

  • central site whose owner has access to all data.
  • we envision a paradigm shift from client-server to a peer-to-peer infrastructure coupled with encryption so that users keep control of their data
    Compare: "MySpace User Data For Sale - Information being sold to third parties includes blog posts, photos, status updates, and more." Looks a bit scary, doesn't it? Is P2P the solution?
    yes, but if it's a central site, it's not peer to peer. peer to peer requires a "desktop" solution. ironically, peerson is blocked at libraries, so it makes it useless. a program that can fit on a thumb drive cannot be blocked like this. *web services* - not *web sites* are the key.

Can Google Generate Buzz in the Enterprise? - PCWorld Business Center - 2 views

  • A tool like Google Buzz, however, relies on the web of connections users have established in their social networks, and loses much of its appeal without the ability to integrate Picasa, YouTube, and other such services. Users don't want to have to manage dual personas, so Google needs to figure out how to integrate the enterprise and consumer services, but provide IT administrators with the tools necessary to restrict or deny access.
    or solve the more general problem and let people manage multiple identites and authorizations / grouping metadata sets

Joe Frank :: Official Web Site - 2 views

    "Joe celebrates a history of grandiose business failures: a ski resort built in the Sahara, a knowledge-enhancing computer chip implanted in the brain; a teleportation booth to solve the problem of rush hour commuting; the dispersion of aphrodisiacs during battle in an effort to harmlessly distract the enemy."
    I HIGHLY recommend Joe Frank in general and this piece specifically. If you want my stance on go go gettem capitalism and motivational psychology, just listen to "An Enterprising Man"
    Also, for the topic of being qualified to do what you attempt, try listening to "Ascent to K2" from Joe Frank. If you make a free acct on his site you can find this one in the online stuff.

Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence - Ra... - 2 views

  • Theoretical Framework for a Future Computational Collective Intelligence 1) Difference between Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence To avoid any misunderstanding I would like to begin with a clear distinction between what I mean by Collective Computational Intelligence and Computational Collective Intelligence.  a) Collective computational intelligence involves collaboration between software agents, with a new level of computational intelligence emerging form their collaboration. These technologies involve swarm intelligence, ant colony simulation, web services, grid computing, distributed cloud computing and multi-agent computing in general.  b) Computational collective intelligence is a more multidisciplinary field. Its subject is the understanding of human collective intelligence and its augmentation by the means of ubiquitous distributed automatic symbol manipulation. Even if computational collective intelligence involves the use and development of collective computational intelligence, its scope is broader because it is not concerned only by computer engineering but promotes a strong collaboration between computing on the one hand and humanities and social sciences on the other hand.
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